Friday, March 25, 2016

Skinny jeans

I'm going to be honest, for a long time those 2 words made me cringe.  Until very recently, I have not been a fan of the skinny jean craze.  I always thought that only the super skinny girls with no curves should wear skinny jeans.  I found fashion expert after fashion expert telling me that if I'm short with curves I should stay away from them.  And so I did.  I actually had given them a try a few different times and did not like them so I stuck to what I knew worked.  That is until I accidentally grabbed a pair and took them to the dressing room with the recommended bootcut jeans that I was supposed to be wearing.  I think I heard angels sing when I put them on.  Ok, I'm exaggerating a little bit.  But once I found ones that were the right fit I was sold!  Fit is key!  Well, a good pair of heels doesn't hurt
either :)

Ok, side bar here.  I'm going to use the term "skinny jeans" to mean any type of skinny/tight fitting pants.  Could be dress pants, could be colored pants, could be jeans.  I do NOT mean leggings.  In my opinion, true leggings should only be worn if your bum is covered up.  Just my opinion.

Even now as I write this post I can go online and find mixed opinions for what style I should wear.  Some experts say to stay away from tight fitting pants.  Others say that's the way to go.  Even fashion's experts can't decide which looks best.  What's a girl to do? Well, try for yourself and then take pictures of course!

First up is the Barely Bootcut Editor Pant from Express.  At first I loved these.  They weren't tight, but they weren't so loose that I was swimming in them.  They flare slightly at the knee to allow for a more straight line.  This is supposed to create a longer leg line--helping out the short-girls. 

Next is the Soho Jeans High-Waist Legging from New York and Company.  I know the name says legging, but these are more of a soft jeans material.  They are amazing!  They are substantial enough that you don't see every imperfection but they are soft and stretchy enough that it feels like leggings.  I would wear these every day!

SO, what do you think?  I think the jegging actually slims me more than the bootcut pants do.  Even though there is no hiding anything, they also don't imply that you are bigger than you actually are. 

I think part of gravitating towards a slim fit is coming to accept who I am.  Am I a super model that is 5'11" with 0% body fat?  Nope, not even close.  I am 5'2" with ?% body fat--and I'm perfectly fine with that!  I've learned to be comfortable in my own skin and that is the key to looking and feeling good!

I'd love to hear your thoughts.  What do you think of the skinny jean craze?  What style of pants do you prefer to wear?  Comment below with a pic and share your thoughts.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Winter Blah

Its almost the end of March and our weather here is still on the cold side.  Actually, today its supposed to be 70*, but tomorrow night its supposed to snow!  That's Midwest weather for ya.  Its not uncommon to go to work in the morning with the heat on and come home at night with the windows down or even the A/C on :)  But, with all the split-personality weather that we get here, we also have 4 discernible seasons.  We never get bored with the weather that's for sure!

Even with the wonderful change of seasons we have here, I still get antsy for spring to come and winter to end.... every. year.  I prefer the warm weather to the winter.  I feel so much better when the sun it out and its warm enough to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.  This time of year its not always possible to get outside and I start to get in a funky mood. 

I've learned to use fashion to try and counteract that feeling.  I start pulling out the bright colors and fun prints.  Its amazing how much this little thing can help.  Its so easy to stick to our "winter wardrobe" of black, grey or navy.  Dark colors just bring down my spirit. 

I generally like bright colors.  I lived in Florida for a while after college and LOVED that people dressed in "summer colors" all year long.  I also learned to love the "Florida" prints I saw everywhere.  I worked at a small boutique that sold Lilly Pulitzer and fell in love with her designs.  I initially got a job there because I didn't think I would spend my paycheck on the clothes.  After working with them every day and looking at each piece individually I slowly started buying pieces.  Eventually I liked everything in the store.  Now that I'm back in Iowa I don't have a Lilly Pulitzer store anywhere near so I'm forced to order everything online.  I still have some vintage Lilly pieces and I keep sprinkling in new items.  These clothes definitely help get rid of the winter blah feeling.

Here is a vintage Lilly scarf I got while I was in Florida.  This was a Breast Cancer Awareness scarf from 2004.

My latest Lilly purchase from this month.  3 shirts.  1 long sleeve, 1 3/4 sleeve, and 1 short sleeve.

If you're a little scared of the wild print you can go with a solid bright top.  Pair it with your traditional dark colored pants, you can even throw on a cardigan or blazer and just have the pop of color peaking through.  This may help you ease into the full-on bright colors.

If you're feeling the itch for spring like me, let me know what you do.  Do you change up your wardrobe?  Do you wear bright prints and colors or stick to the safe side?

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Time to Cut?

Let's talk about hair.  Primarily the length of hair.  At what age do you think you should cut your hair and go for a shorter style?  Or do you think long hair is always the way to go?  Or are there other factors that come in to play?  Your career?  Your social life?  Maybe how much time you have to spend getting ready every day?  My hair style is like a roller coaster.  I spend months, sometimes years, growing it out only to get a glimpse of a cute cut and then I chop it.  I generally keep it short for a cut or two and then I start growing it out again.  And so the cycle continues.  I think I'm coming close to the top of that roller coaster hill right now.  I've been growing my hair for several years, with the normal trim to keep it looking neat.  Lately I've been itching to cut it.  Here are a few reasons why. 
1.  I recently went back to work full-time in an office.  This requires me to get up very early and actually get ready every morning.  The amount of time I want to spend on my hair is getting shorter and shorter. 
2.  I have really thick hair.  This can be a good thing or a bad thing.  It takes me a long time to dry and style it.  On the flip side, it holds a style pretty good so I generally can stretch out my washes. 
3.  With working and trying to keep a full schedule with the kids, I'm on the go a lot more now.  I find myself fighting to keep my hair out of my face.
4.  The "it" style right now appears to be about shoulder-length hair.  Its everywhere right now!  And I for one am loving it.  I like it worn straight and curly just the same.

Reading this list makes me want to skip out and go get a cut right now!  Then I quickly start thinking about the negative to having short hair.  Here are few that come to mind:
1.  Its not as easy to pull it up when you are in a rush.
2.  The different ways to wear you hair is more limited.
3.  It sometimes can require just as much, if not more, work to make it look good.
4.  I'll see someone with long hair and wish for mine back :(

So there's my dilemma.  Do I make the jump and go for a new style?  Stick to the long hair and fight through the urge?  What is your current hair situation?  Do you also suffer from hair-envy?