Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Winter Blah

Its almost the end of March and our weather here is still on the cold side.  Actually, today its supposed to be 70*, but tomorrow night its supposed to snow!  That's Midwest weather for ya.  Its not uncommon to go to work in the morning with the heat on and come home at night with the windows down or even the A/C on :)  But, with all the split-personality weather that we get here, we also have 4 discernible seasons.  We never get bored with the weather that's for sure!

Even with the wonderful change of seasons we have here, I still get antsy for spring to come and winter to end.... every. year.  I prefer the warm weather to the winter.  I feel so much better when the sun it out and its warm enough to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.  This time of year its not always possible to get outside and I start to get in a funky mood. 

I've learned to use fashion to try and counteract that feeling.  I start pulling out the bright colors and fun prints.  Its amazing how much this little thing can help.  Its so easy to stick to our "winter wardrobe" of black, grey or navy.  Dark colors just bring down my spirit. 

I generally like bright colors.  I lived in Florida for a while after college and LOVED that people dressed in "summer colors" all year long.  I also learned to love the "Florida" prints I saw everywhere.  I worked at a small boutique that sold Lilly Pulitzer and fell in love with her designs.  I initially got a job there because I didn't think I would spend my paycheck on the clothes.  After working with them every day and looking at each piece individually I slowly started buying pieces.  Eventually I liked everything in the store.  Now that I'm back in Iowa I don't have a Lilly Pulitzer store anywhere near so I'm forced to order everything online.  I still have some vintage Lilly pieces and I keep sprinkling in new items.  These clothes definitely help get rid of the winter blah feeling.

Here is a vintage Lilly scarf I got while I was in Florida.  This was a Breast Cancer Awareness scarf from 2004.

My latest Lilly purchase from this month.  3 shirts.  1 long sleeve, 1 3/4 sleeve, and 1 short sleeve.

If you're a little scared of the wild print you can go with a solid bright top.  Pair it with your traditional dark colored pants, you can even throw on a cardigan or blazer and just have the pop of color peaking through.  This may help you ease into the full-on bright colors.

If you're feeling the itch for spring like me, let me know what you do.  Do you change up your wardrobe?  Do you wear bright prints and colors or stick to the safe side?

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